Anchored Multiperspective Visualization for Efficient VR Navigation

Anchored Multiperspective Visualization for Efficient VR Navigation

M. Wu and V. Popescu

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Top: lateral disocclusion effect. The side corridor is occluded in a conventional visualization (left), and visible in our anchored multiperspective visualization (MPV) (right). The disocclusion effect was deployed by the user with a small left translation of their head. The MPV shows the near part of the scene conventionally, anchoring the user. Bottom: vertical disocclusion effect. A conventional visualization does not show on top of the ledge (left), whereas ouranchored MPV does (right). The disocclusion effect was deployed by the user with a small upward translation of their head achieved by getting up on their tiptoes. The MPV shows the ledge and the walls in front of the ledge conventionally, anchoring the user.


This paper presents a novel multiperspective visualization (MPV) approach designed to improve navigation efficiency in Virtual Reality applications. The MPV is continuous and non-redundant, it shows the near part of the scene with a conventional, first-person visualization to anchor the user, and it is controlled with user head translations and rotations reminiscent of natural motion. Three types of anchored MPV are introduced, one that provides a lateral disocclusion effect, allowing the user to see around occluders and through side portals, one that provides a vertical disocclusion effect, allowing the user to see over and on top of occluders, and one that provides teleportation, allowing the user to relocate. The VR navigation efficiency benefits of the anchored MPV have been analyzed in a user study. Significant improvements were achieved in the metrics of number of teleportations and total distance traveled. In these metrics, large or greater Cohen’s d effect sizes were observed at p-values below 0.05 in a first VR scene, while medium effect sizes at p-values of 0.1 or better were observed in a second VR scene.


Wu ML., Popescu V. (2018)
Anchored Multiperspective Visualization for Efficient VR Navigation
In: Bourdot P., Cobb S., Interrante V., kato H., Stricker D. (eds) Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. EuroVR 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11162. Springer, Cham